
Concise Digital’s New Client Portal is now LIVE

Concise Digital’s New Client Portal is now LIVE

Posted in Company Announcements by on October 08, 2021
Last updated on 05/04/2022
Concise Digital’s New Client Portal is now LIVE

Concise Digital has just launched the new version of CAP, the ‘Client Access Portal’ for Concise Digital clients. CAP is fully responsive, which means it works well on mobile, tablet or desktop devices.

With the newly designed portal interface, CAP provides clients with direct 24/7 access to their information in the Concise Digital CRM.

The CRM is our own custom-built business management system used by the 50+ team members at Concise to efficiently manage the many hundreds of website projects and digital marketing tasks for our clients.

New Features in CAP

The ability to easily schedule invoices for staged payments is probably the nice new feature that clients asked for the most, along with the ability to easily update their preferred payment methods.
The new CAP provides all this, and more. You can:

  • View or download current and past invoices
  • Select to pay an invoice
  • Schedule one or more invoices for staged payment
  • View and update Scheduled Payments
  • View Payment History
  • View or update your payment methods
  • Add new payment method (Bank Transfer, Visa or Mastercard)


The new CAP also enables clients to:

  • View and update your business information, including details of specific contact people within your business.
  • View details about your Domains, Website Hosting accounts and your Websites.
  • Use quick links to easily find our ‘How To’ Guides and other resources.
  • View and update your Contact, Meeting & Service preferences.
  • Use the handy messaging system to contact us fast.


CAP Login

CAP login screen

Clients can log in to CAP at

Your existing login credentials to the previous version of CAP may continue to work, but if not, please use the ‘Forgot Password’ facility.

If your email address is not recognised by the password management system, then please contact us so we can give you Client User access to CAP.

Feedback & Ideas

Please let us know what you think of CAP. We really do want your feedback and ideas.

In fact, for the next 3 months, we’re offering a monthly prize of a case of good wine for the best suggestion of what Concise can add to CAP to make it even better for you. You can email your ideas direct to me or give me a quick phone call if you prefer.


Richard Keeves

Richard Keeves

Richard Keeves is a Digital Strategist & Director at Concise Digital. With over 30 years experience in online business, Richard has seen the digital age transform the world, and has worked with a large number of businesses, not for profits and governments to help make it happen.

Discovering the emerging Internet in 1994 while the publisher of a national business magazine from 1987-96, he started to realise the powerful future for business online. From online publishing in 1995, he started an Internet business consultancy & web development company in 1996 which grew into a public company that was sold in 2008.

In 2012, Richard wrote 'Catching Digital', a practical guide to business planning in the digital world. In 2014 & 2015, he was the national Chair of Judges for the Australian Web Awards.

Richard says "I've been a Director of Concise since 2019 and the past few years have been an exciting roller-coaster. With the benefit of hindsight, I can see that focusing on the survival and growth of our clients during the tough and unpredictable Covid times turned out to be rewarding for our clients and rewarding for us too."

"I'm a straight-talking keynote speaker, seminar-workshop presenter and a qualified trainer, and I've run Internet business seminars and workshops throughout Australia, New Zealand and in Asia and the USA. These days, most of my training work is for Concise clients & our team, including our Concise Webinars.

I live in Perth and Busselton, and in my spare time, I enjoy wine, fishing and AFL footy. I'm also a long-suffering member of the Fremantle Dockers football club. ;)"

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